Mountain West Conference play is heating up...MWC tournament is close at hand...midterms and projects are piling up...how to release the pressure a bit and have some fun? Well, it has been a tradition here at Utah soccer to use the Halloween holiday to lighten up...dress up and laugh a bit.
Since we are traveling to Colorado tonight, we had our fun a day early this year. Check out the photos...Photographers and reporters were on hand from Channel 2, Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 13, the Deseret News, the Salt Lake Tribune and the Daily Utah Chronicle....so keep an
eye out! Here is a link to Channel 5, KSL... look for video later today from them. (Find the "icast portion of the page).We'll have video later, but for now...here are some pictures!

Nicole Cardon is our resident pirate! Johnny
Depp has nothing on her!

Anne Shallenberger is Scooby Doo!
Kellie Woodfield - anyone for dinner? Emalee Rogers has really lost her head!

Alyssa Toomey and Erin Dalley...do we need to say anything more?
Christine Quinn is interviewed by Tom Kirkland of KSL TV.

Dressed as our trainers?!!
Hannah Turpen does her best Lauren Lattimer...Lauren Porter is a dead ringer for Morgan Collins...and coach Leslie Keener is...well an (extremely) injured soccer player.