Men's Basketball: Beat Wyoming Saturday, takes on BYU at home this Wednesday at 7pm.
Women's Basketball: Beat Wyoming at Wyoming Saturday (their first conference loss at home!), takes on BYU this Wednesday in Provo at 7pm.
Tennis, Track, Baseball, Softball, and Golf are all getting started with their seasons...check out The Official Athletic Site for details!
For our team, this week brings another round of spring training. We are now allowed more hours with the ball each week and practices have been going extremely well so far. The Cone Shuttle Test was run again today; congrats to Anne Shallenberger for passing for the first time today! Everyone is improving each week and more and more are passing each time! The team is sharpening up as they will travel to Texas A&M this Friday to compete against Sam Houston State and Texas A&M on Saturday. The soccer staduim at this University is unbelievable...click here to check it out!

In other soccer news, the U.S. Women's Team is advancing to the finals of the Algarve Cup (In Portugal), thanks to 2 spectacular goals from young player Lauren Cheney. Click here for more details on the game! The Championship game will be played this Wednesday, March 3 at 11:00am ET. Their opponent is still TBD. Stay tuned for updates!