Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Glimpse of Spring Training

Training in the spring is different than during the season- at the beginning, the team is only allowed a certain number of hours together during the week and time spent training with the ball is extremely limited. Because of this, we focus a lot on speed training, strength work, fitness, and just getting some short and sweet playing time in when possible. The video below is from this morning's workouts. First, Coach Willis (our strength and conditioning coach) works on speed and agility with the girls. Next, the team plays a competitive game for about 30 minutes. Finally, the team splits off into groups doing individual training, some doing 'shuttle school' to improve their endurance in the cone shuttle fitness test, oh....and then there's La La (Lauren Hair)- she has mastered cone shuttles and is now in serious training to perfect her flip-throw for the upcoming season. Check it out: