Morgan explains why today's match has special meaning for her:
"My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last year in late September. This came as a shock to say the least. I went from thinking the phrase 'save the Ta-Ta's' was funny and light hearted, to something that could potentially take my mom from my family. Although, I think my family now can see this experience as a blessing in disguise, not everyone is as fortunate as my family to have my mom complete 7 months of chemotherapy and 3 months of radiation and look as beautiful and healthy as ever. This is why I think this is such an awesome opportunity for us to come together and make everyone aware. I always knew my mom was tough, but she gives that word a whole new meaning. She is my hero. My mom has kept a blog throughout this whole experience and this is just piece of her first posting after finding out she had been diagnosed.
'I have come to see this as a difficult experience with many blessings and countless opportunities attached to it. I have been handed a very special chance to teach my children and grandchildren how we deal with difficult times and challenges in our lives and to demonstrate by example, my faith that the Lord knows us and loves us and He is the source of the peace that we seek.'
"I am excited to play in this breast cancer game but most of all I can't wait to play for my mom and all the other women and families that have been effected by breast cancer. "