Wednesday's are a conditioning day for the Utes. We spend the first part of training with Coach Greg Argust from our strength and conditioning staff. Coach Argust is a ball of energy and has just the right balance of pushing our players as well as encouraging them.
During the season, we focus on exercises that increase strength and flexibility, help prevent injury, and help with recovery from our games.
Some players that want to focus on a particular aspect of their athletics do extra work with Coach Argust later in the week as well.
In the off-season, we work two or three days each week with Coach Argust. At that time we program spend more time increasing strength and quickness.
Here's Coach Argust at work with the team, doing a couple of flexibility exercises before training...this is toward the end of his session, so it's a little more "low key" than the usual:
In addition to the work we do with Coach Argust, we have a conditioning program that we follow that was designed by Pierre Barrieu, the conditioning coach for the U.S. National Team. Pierre's programusually has 2-3 workouts per week. It consists of many interval runs, mixed in with speed training and shorter runs. It is designed for peak fitness in October and November and takes into account many aspects of the tough college season.
Check out the great information at Pierre's web site!