The U.S. is making a bid to host the World Cup in either 2018 or 2022. And the "Governator" is joining the cause. Here is what he had to say on the matter:
"Soccer is the world's most popular sport and California has been home to some of its most exciting games, and I am proud to be a part of bringing the World Cup back to the United States."

Arnold grew up in Austria and played soccer as a boy. It is said that his dad really wanted him to become a soccer player, but he chose the body building world.
It is common practice for causes to recruit celebrities and politicians to raise awareness, money and help get their message out.
This brings up an important question...who should the Utah women's soccer team enlist to help publicize our team and cause? Any local figures that could help do that? Robert Redford? Gov. Huntsman? Jim Boylen? We would love to hear some great ideas!