Playing outstanding teams in important games is the best way to learn. And, in spite of the loss, the U.S. can only be better off after this great experience...
Not only do you learn lessons, but you gain confidence from doing well and you are inspired by how close you have come to realizing dreams. Here is what a couple of the U.S. players said...
Landon Donovan said:
"You always hope to do the most learning when you win, but you probably learn more by losing. If we're smart and we take what we should from this game, we can progress; and that's what we're trying to do."
Carlos Bocanegra, the U.S. captain, echoed the sentiment.
"What we can take away from this is the confidence that we played so well against the big teams here," he said. "We showed that we belong. We're not just going to be a pushover in the World Cup when we come down here."