We have several parents, family members and friends traveling with us this week and it's great to share our adventures with some fantastic people. Scott and Kim Hair are with us...parents of Lauren and Addie. To the left we have the girls posing in front of the Congressional Building in Montevideo.

We also have Sharon Dalley with us. Here are Sharon and Erin in front of the old hotel in the main plaza in the city. For a long time, this was the tallest building in all of South America.

We also have Cara Toomey and her sister Shelly. Cara and Alyssa pose here in front of the ENORMOUS statue of the liberator, Artigas, on his horse.
Also, accompanying the group are Kathleen Quinn and her sister-in-law, Jennifer. We need to get a photo of Christine with her mom and aunt! And we have some parents who have joined us along the way...Frank and Debra Sanchez are here...as well as Lawrence Reineke and his wife, Luanne. Katy's sister, Anna, is also here along with a few of their close friends.
They have added much to our trip!