We spent a morning drive from the city out to the ranch at San Vincennes. The day consisted of some horseback riding, a big lunch complete with traditional music and dance, and an exhibition of horse riding skills.

Many of the players, parents and coaches rode the horses. There were some unfortunate results! Amy Edman fell from her horse...although not injured, her shoe did get stuck in the saddle and she had to walk back to the ranch with only one shoe on. Our tour guide, Dario, had a scare when Paola Marsenaro's horse bit him in the knee. And, of course, everyone had a big laugh when Rich Manning was put on a mini-horse!
We then broke for lunch, which included of course....Meat and lots of it! Chicken, beef, chorizo...all you could eat. In addition, we heard some traditional songs and saw some traditional dances from the different regions of Argentina. Check out the drum and dance moves here.
We celebrated heartily the birthday of our own Kiley Jones...#22 for Kiles. And we headed outside to see a demonstration of Gaucho horse skills. Barrel turns, races, herding wild horses and more. Watch the horse race, which was used to decide land squabbles back in the day...
After returning to Buenos Aires city, we cleaned up and headed to the Puerto Madeiro region...which is right along the river and has recently been rebuilt with nice restaurants and shops. We went to El Faroccina del Mar for some Italian food. The group was excited to eat some pasta after so many meals with meat!