Everybody was huddled into the video room at the Burbidge Academic Center yesterday afternoon. The gifts were stacked on a table and the food was out and ready. Assistant coach
Laurel Roderick was heading over for what she thought was a video session for the team...but the surprise was on her when she arrived... it's a baby shower!
Laurel is 8 months pregnant with a baby boy, her second child. Her eldest, Rachel, is 2 years old and excited about having a younger brother...(then again 2 year olds are excited about anything).

Assistant coach
Leslie Keener set up the event...and many of the players pitched in with some treats. We had cupcakes, brownies, punch and, of course, fruit (gotta have some healthy food). The team was split up into groups and had a little competition...cutting out baby body parts to put together the best looking baby...Some weird looking kids were "designed" for sure!

Here is one of the designer babies....good Lord!
The team was asked to bring a book as a gift...some classics were passed on to the little guy..."Green Eggs and Ham", "Are You My Mother" and more!