Lauren Porter came to the U. last September on an official visit. She went with the players and other recruits to the football game that Saturday. While waiting outside the stadium for some of the other girls to arrive, we couldn't help but notice how many people came up and said hello to Lauren as they were walking by to enter the stadium...and then it dawned on us...This girl knows more Utah fans and students then just about any of the players or coaches on our team. By the end of the weekend, we were asking her about some of the school history.
Well, Lauren grew up, and lives in the neighborhood. She is about 5 blocks from campus. Her parents are teaching faculty at the medical center. Like current Ute junior Katy Reineke did before her, she attends East High School and has about one billion friends on campus! Want more connections???? Lauren plays for the Avalanche Soccer Club, which is coached by former Ute great, Jo Barney! Her younger sisters have come to the UWSA summer soccer camp as well.
Lauren is a terrific athlete, she is a star for the East H.S. basketball team. She came to soccer a bit later than most these days and her game is really starting to take shape. She plays in the midfield, where she is dominant in the air, makes crunching tackles and can distribute the ball both near and far.
We would welcome Lauren and her family, but they already feel pretty welcomed...
So, we'll just say we're glad you're staying!